1.Also notice that you set a flag (the boolean variable done) to identify when you reach the end of the content that you are interested in.
2.If you do not change the test run configuration XML file, the Boolean variable useDefaultDeploymentRoot retains its default value of True.
3.The parameter to this widget is a boolean variable, which in this case is called noReviews.
4.Then create a boolean variable named secondDecision and set it as the output parameter of SecondApprovalTask, as shown in Figure 11.
5.If the boolean variable keepFullLog is set to True, the program saves the entire incoming message in a different log file.
6.For an example of when you might use a nullable type, consider how an ordinary Boolean variable can have two values: true and false.
7.Also notice the presence of a Boolean variable named init.
8.In this code, you define a boolean variable rollover and attach event listeners for ROLL_OVER and ROLL_OUT.
9.Write a function in the partial class that verifies the values as dates and returns a Boolean variable.
10.The following code example sets a Boolean variable that indicates whether a string represents a valid e-mail address.